Today has been a most unusual day. After months, even years, of trying to discover my purpose and find ways to make that my living...progress! I can barely contain the excitement I feel as I contemplate this latest adventure. The funny thing is, I can feel the spirit world celebrating with me as well!
The past few weeks I have increased my meditation practices in an effort to better hear that truth which lies within and follow its counsel. Several days ago, I felt inspired to begin sharing my story about being in a cult and what I learned from it. Although it happened many years ago, I still have not dealt with some of the negative feelings (including guilt and shame) associated with it. "Coming out", however, felt right. I just had to make the commitment that I would do it if it would be a blessing to others. It has been scary for me to say the least. (You can find the story here: )
The irony is, my blog readership on that blog has increased ten times in the couple days I have worked on this series. I have been wanting this to happen--have dreamed of being a professional writer since I was twelve years old. It feels like I am finally headed in the right direction.
As I sit here and listen to the silence, I feel Saul and company behind me. I get the sense they are full of excitement and energy. It's like they are all running around behind me, turning cartwheels and doing back handsprings, sort of like cheerleaders.
It makes me smile, and it reminds me of something a gifted teacher and intuitive counselor, Susann Taylor Shier ( once said to me. "You have to believe the Universe is standing behind you, cheering you on." That's exactly how I feel at this precise moment as Saul continues his excited antics!
Know the Universe is cheering you on as well as you pursue your life's work! Sit back and listen to the silence. It's time to celebrate!