On many occasions, we don't allow ourselves to hear from or even acknowledge the counsel of our spirit guides. Sometimes it is because they seem like figments of our imaginations--it just seems crazy to believe in something we can't necessarily see. At other times, we try to get advice, but we try so hard that the outside noise gets in the way and we can't hear the message clearly. Often, it is important to look for physical signs in order to understand the message you sensed was clear.
One of the resources I have discovered lately has been various "cards". I found an application on Facebook several weeks ago that resonated strongly with me called
Path of the Soul, Destiny Cards, by Cheryl Lee Harnish 
. You can ask for a one card reading or a three card reading (usually the one I pick). Not only are the pictures gorgeous, but they also convey some profound insights which correspond to what I believe my guides are trying to tell me. For example, I have begun to see a few things happen in my professional life that seem to be taking hold. On the day I started to feel this part of my life coming into play, I pulled a card called the Creation card. This is a card of manifestation! The thing is, I have never pulled that particular card before. To be quite honest, it was the first time I
felt myself to be the powerful creator I rationally know myself to be. (And I pull a manifestation card!)
I've also had some helpful moments with a pack of angel cards I got called
Ask An Angel
, by Toni Carmine Salereno. These, too, are beautiful cards that have confirmed messages I have already felt when I have used them.
Obviously, this is not the only way our guides can get our attention. They will present us with people or situations who can assist our journeys. They will write something significant on a license plate we're following or keep repeating the same number over and over again. It's just nice to know our guides are there in the background, making sure we stick to our life plans.
Sometimes, it's the subtle things that make all the difference!
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