
Monday, March 21, 2011

Saul's Message: It's Time To Choose!

I have woken up the past two mornings extremely anxious without really knowing why. Occasionally during sleep or quiet times, I seemed to get bits and pieces of messages that weren't particularly coherent. I decided to meditate on it to see if anything were a little more clear. These are Saul's words to me. I'm sharing this, not because I particularly want to, but because I feel the message is an important one--meant for more than just me.

The earth groans from the pain of its birthing process. New life struggles to be born, but this is a dangerous time for the child. It needs to emerge soon or it will be crushed and smothered by the weight of the birthing process--that process by which is the earth trying to balance herself.

Today is the day of choice! No longer can you stand on the sidelines and watch. It is time to choose your path and follow where it leads.

You can choose the path of allowing and acceptance--the path that leads to an open heart. It is the path of love, cooperation and Oneness. It is the path of peace, which refuses to pick up a sword against your neighbor.

You may choose the path of standing up for your beliefs--fighting for them and dying for them. This is the path that forces your beliefs on your fellow men. This path leads to death and destruction.

Choose your path carefully. The earth's new child has the potential to bring wonderful new life or become stillborn. It will depend on your choice.

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